Customer Segmentation of the Airline Data

The overall objective is to find as good a segmentation of the data as possible. Those data ask customers for their perceptions on several attributes of air travel, their satisfaction with the airline and whether they would recommend the airline. The attitude variables would be used for the Level 1 segmentation and the demographic variables are used for the Level 2 component of the segmentation.

I used the k-means algorithm to cluster the customers together. In the end, I had a tough time to personify the segments based on their level-1 and 2 results. Maybe the sample size was too low to give us good results.

The work here was a part of my assignments for M733 Marketing Analytics course that I took in 2020. The report is produced using Rstudio as an HTML file. You can find the code on my github page.

Faraz Ahmadi
Faraz Ahmadi
Data Scientist, M.Sc Candidate

Intersted in data-driven decision making. Using data to find insight and knowledge.
