Machine Learning Predictions of Alternate Level of Care (ALC) in Canada: From Emergency Department to the in-Hospital Stage

MSc thesis project, working on imbalanced classification on large data sets in different time points.

Customer Segmentation on the Ontario population for RBC Insurance

Using data from CAMH and Environics Analytics to identify the segments who are facing a decline in mental health during COVID-19

Creating Dashboards in R using shiny and flexdashboard

Using tools to create a interactive and management-friendly report

Customer Segmentation of the Airline Data

Finding the best segmentation model among customers in a survey conducted by an airline

Predict Return to Airline

Determined the key drivers of return to airline for past flyers based on a survey and developed a predictive model

Ice cream Customer's Survey Data Cleaning

Using R to clean and prepare a raw survey data for the analytics team

Predicting Life Expectancy in Global Public Health Data

Using Ensemble Decision Trees, Logistic Regression and etc. in R to Predict Life Expectancy based on Public Health Factors